by category: friendship

Goldfinch Oil Paintings

I just painted one and I had to have more. These little guys offer so much happiness and j

Debut Art Show / Joy & Abundance

I am excited to share my art with each of you and I can not wait until it finds its place

Lemon Pound Cake

It has been a time of many memories this week, Jim, my first husband and father of my chil

Valentine’s Day is a Give Day

Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays! It is a “give” day and maybe not a

Is Your Soul Craving Refreshment?

I sit in the coffee shop, I walk through the park, I show up at a concert, and the people

Hearts, Chocolates & Champagne

I absolutely love Valentine’s Day, it is one of my most favorite holidays. The chemi

Sunflowers Dancing in Unison

It is the evening of my dear friend’s birthday as we set out for our walk in the breatht